Lees asb / Please read
Kontak praktyk asb vir kwotasie,estimasie sodat u n ingeligte besluit kan neem
015 065 0648, accounts@phheystek.co.za or online www.phheystek.co.za
Geagte Mnr / Mev / Mej
Dit is vir ons n voorreg om u tot diens te wees tov narkose/sedasie vir die prosedure soos bespreek deur u chirurg. Ons praktyk is n spesialis narkose praktyk en funksioneer totaal onafhanklik van die hospitaal, u chirurg of enige ander persone betrokke bydie prosedure, ons enigste fokus is om die prosedure so aangenaam, veilig en pynvry te maak as moontlik.
Die praktyk voldoen aan die PAIA wette, die “Consumer Protection Act” en die riglyne vasgestel deur die HPCSA, wat ons dwing om u vooraf van ‘n kwotasie/estimasie te voorsien asook inligting rondom narkose, die risikos daaraan verbonde, en ook die finansieele implikasies, sodat u ‘n ingeligte besluit kan neem en ingeligte toestemming kan gee per ondertekening van dokumentasie. Daarom versoek ons u om ons te kontak by die verskafte kontakbesonderhede hieronder sodra u en u chirurg ooreengekom het oor die prosedure en u ‘n bespreking maak, sodat ons reelings kan tref om u te voorsien van die nodige dokumentasie, inligtingstukke en ‘n ingeligte toestemmingsvorm wat u vir ons MOET voltooi en teken asb,
U bly verantwoordelik vir die rekening totdat dit ten volle opbetaal is, maw sou u fonds weier om enige regmatige, geeisde kodes te betaal of minder as regmatig geeisde fooie betaal, bly u aanspreeklik vir die restant, betaalbaar binne 60 dae vanaf u prosedure datum. In sulke gevalle sal u ‘n rekening ontvang en per foon, sms en/of ander vorm van kommunikasie ingelig word. Dit bly u verantwoordelikheid om die rekening dan binne die genoemde 60 dae te vereffen, waarna u van ‘n kwitansie en nulbalans rekening voorsien sal word wat u dan met u mediese fonds verder kan opneem. Ons eis egter fonds tariewe, maar sou u fonds nie sekere kodes nl 0034,0034,0147,0011,2800,2801,2802,0018,5431,5432,5433,5434,5435,0007 vereffen nie is/bly lid verantwoordelik vir betaling.
Ons sal n PMB tarief hef sou u ICD10 kode dui op n PMB kondisie, dit mag beteken dat daar n kortbetaling op u rekening sal/kan wees, maar dat 70% van fondse dit wel vereffen, en het ons met tye u bystand nodig vir ondertekening van dokumente wat u fonds aan ons sal lewer en ons weer aan u sal lewer. U sal merk op u staat sal daar n kortbetaling wees, kontak ons dat ons u die nodige bystand en informasie kan gee, hierdeur help ons mekaar. Sou u fonds na 4 weke terugvoer gee en PMB “review” tarief weier sal ons u rekening afskryf tot by u fondstarief maar nie op kodes wat regmatig is en hul net NIE wil vereffen nie, asb behou kontak met ons sou ons u nader.
Privaat pasiente, maw geen mediese fonds betrokke nie, die rekening is deur u betaalbaar voor of op die dag van u prosedure na lewering van kwotasie/estimasie , skakel ons asb direk vir ,n kwotasie/estimasie. Kwotasies/estimasies sal slegs aan u die pasient gelewer word onderheweig aan die verskaffing van u/pasient se persoonlike inligting, nodige prosedure kodes, teatertyd, ICD10 kodes, wat u by u chirurg kan kry.
Ons praktyk verstaan egter dat mense in n moeilike finansiele tyd leef, selfs ons as praktyk ondervind dit. ASSEBLIEF neem die vrymoedigheid om ons ONMIDDELIK te kontak om reelings te tref tov afbetaling sou u nie die volle uitstaande bedrag kan vereffen nie, ons sal u so ver moontlik probeer tegemoet kom. Moet asb NIE ons aanmanings, versoeke, oproepe, sms’se eposse of enige vorm van kommunikasie ignoreer nie, ons probeer u tegemoet kom, anders is ons enigste opsie die regsroete, en niemand wil daardie roete volg nie!
Sommige fondse betaal rekeninge direk aan hul lede uit. In daardie geval sal u onmiddelik hiervan in kennis gestel word, en is die gelde oorbetaalbaar aan ons praktyk binne 48 uur na kennisgewing, sonder uitsondering. Geen afbetalings sal vir sodanige rekenings aanvaar word nie.
Besoek asb ons webtuiste www.phheystek.co.za waar breedvoerige informasie rondom u narkotisuer, die risikos verbonde aan Narkose/sedasie en die reels van die HPCSA uiteengesit word sowel as verskeie skakels wat u kan volg vir meer inligting ten einde n ten volle ingeligte besluit te neem.
Praktyk kantoor ure : Maandae-Donderdae 8h00 tot 16h00/ Vrydae 8h00 tot 13h00
- Tel nr 015 065 0648
- Faks nr 015 151 0131
- Epos adresse: accounts@phheystek.co.za
- Webblad : www.phheystek.co.za
Baie dankie, en ons hoop om u binnekort te sien en tot bystand te wees op die pad na u herstel
Praktyk Dr PH Heystek en personeel
Contact this practice for estimate,quote for you to make an informed decision
0871700646/0879851603, via email accounts@phheystek.co.za or online www.phheystek.co.za
Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss
It is our pleasure to be of service to you in respect of anaestesia/sedation for the procedure as booked by your surgeon. Our practice is a specialist anesthesia practice and functions totally independent of hospital, your surgeon or any other person involved in the procedure. Our only focus is to make the procedure as pleasurable, safe and pain free as possible. Our practice complies with the PAIA act, The consumer protection act, and the guidelines provided by the HPCSA, this forces us to provide you beforehand with a quotation/estimation as well as information around anaesthesia, risks and possible complications involved as well as the financial implications so that you can make an informed decision towards your anaestetic and can provide informed consent by signing the necessary documentation which has to be provided, thus we implore you to contact us immediately once you and your surgeon has reached an agreement around your procedure and you decided to make a booking so that we can provide you with the necessary documentation and an informed consent form that you MUST fill in and sign please.
We do claim medical aid tariffs, but if your medical aid refuse payment on codes/modifiers 0034,0043,0018,5431,5432,5433,5344,5435,2800,2801;2802,1221,0007 you will be liable for payment of this codes. If your ICD10 codes indicates a Possible PMB condition, we’ll charge a PMB tariff, you will notice a shortpayment on your account with a rejection code “possible PMB please provide needed document”, contact us for we can assist you with registering your PMB condition, it takes a signiture from member to give consent, if your medical aid after the turnarount time 4 weeks give us feedback and decline the PMB review we’ll write off balances to the medical aid tarriff but not on the codes/modifiers which the practice is definately entitled to charge, thus codes/modifier must then be settled by the member/patient.
Private patients in other words, no medical aid or other form of finance is involved the account is payable by you before or on the day of procedure after delivery of a quotation/estimation, please phone us directly for a quotation as quotations/estimations will only be delivered to you personally, please make sure that you obtain the necessary procedure codes, estimated theatre time, ICD10 codes ext. from your surgeon so that we can give you an accurate as possible quotation.
Our practice does understand that people live in a difficult financial times, even our practice experience that, Please feel free to contact us IMMEDIATELY should you not be able to settle the full amount so that we can make arrangements as to installment payments. We will try and accommodate you as far as possible, and reasonable arrangements can always be agreed upon. Please do not ignore our reminders, requests, phone call, sms’s email or any other form of communication we are trying to accommodate you. Otherwise or only other option is the legal route, and nobody wants to follow that route! Some Medical aids pay accounts directly to their members bank accounts, in those cases you will immediately be notified of this transaction and the monies will be payable to our practice within 48 hours of notification without exemption.. NO installment payment will be considered for these accounts.
If possible please visit our website at www.phheystek.co.za which gives extensive information as to your anaesthetist, risks involved in anaesthesia, the rules and regulations of the HPCSA and various other links that can be followed to satisfy your needs as far as informed consent is concerned.
Practice office hours : Mondays – Thursdays 8h00 – 16h00 / Fridays 8h00 – 13h00
- Contact details : Tel nr : 015 0650648
- fax nr : 086 602 1236
- email : accounts@phheystek.co.za
Website : www.phheystek.co.zaThank you very much, hope to see you soon, and help to get you back on your way to your recovery
Dr PH Heystek and personnel
Our Anaesthetist is a Specialist Anaesthetist (trained for 12 years and with 10-20 years – or more experience) where a market related professional fee is charged. The tariffs are merely to state that we do not have a contract with any medical aid, except Discovery (Classic plan only).
Department of Health in conjunction with the Council of Medical Schemes has developed a National Health Reference Price List (NHRPL) to enumerate medical professionals. This National Health Reference Price List (NHRPL) has been found unconstitutional and no longer exists. The medical schemes will then decide what remuneration rate they will use. A significant portion of Medical Aids do offer 300% (of NHRPL) reimbursement cover for in-hospital treatment.
Your medical should be viewed as an insurance cover and the type of package one chooses will dictate what one’s excess will be.
Private Patients
All private accounts should be paid on the day of procedure if estimate was requested and given or within 7 days from the procedure date. When payment is made into our account, please use your surname and initials or the H____ number printed on your account. Tariffs are linked to time, thus the actual amount may vary from the estimate if it was requested and given. An estimated time based on an average for the procedure is used when calculating the estimate. Estimates are valid only for a particular patient and procedure. The Anaesthetist may use extra procedure codes during the operation that may influence the estimation. Estimate is not the final amount.
Remember Dr Heystek only work at Midmed Hospital and not for them, he is not on their payrol. Queries should be adressed to this practice only and not to Midmid Management, they have NO input in this practice. If other firms gave estimates it applies to the firm only and not to Dr Heystek’s account rendered. If you made payment to such anaesthetist firms contact those to claim payment and settle Dr Heystek’s account rendered directly to our practice. We are not contracted in with other anaesthetist firms, operate seperately and render accounts seperately. Dr Heystek has no contract with any surgeons to charge scale of benefits.
All patients
Remember Dr Heystek only work at Mediclinic and not for them, he is not on their payrol. Queries regarding accounts should be adressed to this practice only. Account is your responsibility irrespective of medical aid / insurance cover. The medical aid cover is a contract between member and the medical scheme and NOT between Dr Heystek and Medical Scheme; all medical schemes have different conditions, limits and benefit levels. We strongly advise patients to understand their medical scheme coverage 100%. We do not accept any responsibility for your medical scheme coverage and you remain responsible for payment of all accounts. No provider is obliged to charge the medical aid fee / tariff / -or nhrpl tarrifs.
We do claim private fees up to 250% nhrpl unless other arrangement or tariff was agreed on by both the member and the practice, but this will be in writing and agreed on before procedure. Balance of accounts outstanding are liable by the idividual whom agreed on anaesthetic and/ or signed agreement. We submit accounts via EDI if procedure was authorized, still it is not something we’re obliged to do but are done as and favour to you the member to speed up the payment process. We also send out accounts by hand, on receipt of your account please contact your medical aid to confirm that they do have your account on their system, if not supply them with account. There might be (modifier) codes your medical aid will not settle, such codes will be your responsibility and can only be established by anaesthetist on the day of the procedure, before the procedure.
Remember account is your liability and responsibility untill paid in full….
Unpaid Accounts
Should your account not be settled in full within 60 days from the procedure date, interest will be charged at a rate of 15.5% per annum. This practice only deals with accounts up to 60 days, after this period it will be collected on our behalf by attorneys, where interest and costs will be rendered for patient’s/member’s account. After accounts are handed over for collection there will be no contact or correspndence allowed to our practice, the only communication will be between member/patient and the attorney. All legal fees, plus interest and administation costs will be for member’s/patient’s account. We are also registerd with TPN Credit Bureaux and will they assist with the managing of final demands and sms’s and requests towards collection.
We have no input in your bank account or the fact that the medical aid may settle moneys to patients/members directly, therefore it stays the member/patiens responsibility to contact their medical aids, manage their own medical aid and manage their own bank account, query any moneys paid to your account and read your communication/statement send to you by your medical aid.
Medical aids might reimburse members and make payments to members towards Dr Heystek’s account, thus amounts needs to be paid over immediate and full payment to our practice in 24 hours thereafter. There will be no down payments on any moneys paid directly to members, In cases where member refuse to pay account where medical aid paid balances to member towards account rendered by Dr Heystek, accounts will be handed over with immediate effect and without further notice.